Effective Treatments for Anxiety & Stress


Effective Results

Feel more calm and relaxed during or after your sessions. Most clients start feeling positive effects within their first 3 treatments.


Long Term Change

Most clients report significant long-term reduction of their anxiety symptoms after an average of 20 treatment sessions.


Safe Technology

Our technologies have been used for over 20 years, safely treating millions of people worldwide.


Easy Treatment Sessions

Sit back and relax. Let us know when you feel something change.

The Stress Response

Stress and the Fight/Flight/Freeze response are only designed as temporary adjustments to life threatening situations.

For survival purposes, at these times it is best that our slow rational brains shut down, our lightning quick instinctual brain and reflexes take over, and blood flow is prioritized to our arms and legs for fight or flight responses. Conversely our food digestion and immune system become distant priorities so are largely shut down.

The problem is that many of us are now living in a state of chronic stress that our bodies were never designed for.

Chronic Anxiety and/or Stress have a number of negative health impacts, including:

  • Poor Sleep Quality
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Digestive Problems
  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • Weight Gain (particularly around the abdomen)
  • Chronic Anxiety or Stress worsens every health condition

Anxiety & Stress Symptoms

Do You Currently…

  • Feel tension in your neck, shoulders, jaw, and/or back?
  • Worry about the worst that could happen?
  • Get insomnia, digestion problems, and/or shallow breathing?
  • Feel overwhelmed with the demands of life?

Do You Want To…

  • Let go of physical tension and stress so you can relax?
  • Calm down your thoughts and mind so you can live more in the present moment instead?
  • Feel an increased capacity to cope with the challenges of life?
  • Feel more like yourself, with less of the baggage you have been carrying?

What People Are Saying...

“Direct Neurofeedback with Adam changed my life and I’m so grateful. My PTSD is gone, I have a higher tolerance for stress, I’m happier, more focused and my brain is now functioning better than it has in my whole life!…”

– Stephanie G, Vancouver B.C.

“For decades I've sought relief from anxiety including other forms of neurofeedback... yet since Direct Neurofeedback, I am able to reset much quicker and remain free.”

– Evelyn C., Maple Ridge, B.C.

“...using Direct Neurofeedback technology, I felt almost instant relief from any stress and anxiety with which I came into the appointment. I now find that a maintenance routine helps keep me better balanced.”

Tom C., Vancouver, B.C.

The Limits of Talk Therapy

Tired of temporary relief that does not get to the root of the problem?

Most therapy or counselling is primarily based on talking or venting about your problems. While it can temporarily feel good to receive support from an empathic professional, this seldom offers any lasting change.

Some books and therapists emphasize learning coping skills like taking deep breaths, or going for a walk, or doing something else to help calm you. These coping skills can be helpful at times in helping you manage the stresses of life, but they also do not get to the root of the problem.

Getting To The Root Of The Problem by

Treating Your Brain & Nervous System

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is like the operating system of a computer, invisibly running the show.
Underlying the tension in your body, the shallow breathing, and the anxious and worried thoughts in your mind is your ANS. It controls everything from how stressed or relaxed you are, to your breath, digestion, sleep, hormone levels, and more.
It runs through your brain and spinal cord and works with every cell of your body.
If you want to go beyond temporarily managing your symptoms, and instead truly change the anxiety, stress, or fight/flight/freeze responses you are experiencing, we need to be able to directly work with your ANS.
That is precisely what our technologies do – they help your Autonomic Nervous System to recalibrate and come into a state of balance and regulation.

The Future Of Therapy Is Available Now