Life Changing Treatments
For Anxiety & Stress

We specialize in providing the most effective treatments for anxiety and stress, so you can feel better and improve your work and relationships.

Direct Neurofeedback

Using high-tech computer equipment, it first measures how your brain is functioning...

Body Awareness/Mindfulness

We will guide you into becoming more aware of your body – this is integrated into all of our....

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

The Vagus Nerve is the longest and most complex nerve that runs from our....

Complimentary Treatments

Based on your unique individual needs, we may also recommend one or more...

Our Primary Treatments
For Anxiety & Stress

Direct Neurofeedback

Using high-tech computer equipment, it first measures how your brain is functioning, and then it gently yet effectively helps your brain to shift out of its stuck patterns.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

The Vagus Nerve is the longest and most complex nerve that runs from our brain to our stomach and organs. It has a tremendous influence on our anxiety and stress levels, digestion, and overall nervous system functioning. By stimulating your vagus nerve, you will notice improvements in these areas.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Body Awareness/Mindfulness

We will guide you into becoming more aware of your body – this is integrated into all of our treatment sessions.
First you will start to notice the signs of anxiety and stress in your body – like muscle tension, or shallow breathing. Then you will also become aware of how your body relaxes, breath deepens, and/or mind becomes more calm and present during your treatments.
Practicing this form of mindfulness will accelerate the results you will get from our treatments.

Complimentary Treatments

Based on your unique individual needs, we may also recommend one or more of the following.

ASSERTIVENESS AND BOUNDARIES – help you to feel more empowered and able to take care of yourself. Going beyond talk, we will practically help you to strengthen your ability to assert your needs and boundaries.

ANGER TOOLS – when anger is suppressed, it creates significant anxiety and tension in the body. Anger is stigmatized because it can be so destructive when it comes out in unconscious ways.
However anger is just a fiery energy that wants to give you boundaries, protection and your voice to be heard. We will show you how you can learn to consciously feel your frustration or anger in your body, and it will move through you like a wave of energy.

SLEEP COACHING – our treatments will help your body to relax. We will also work with you to identify the healthy habits that will support you in having deep restorative sleep

LIGHT THERAPY – specific wavelengths of light can be very helpful for person’s struggling with concussion, depression, and fatigue symptoms.

FOCUSED THERAPY SESSIONS – while we find most conventional therapy slow and often ineffective, some clients can benefit from specific types of therapy either alongside or after receiving our foundational treatments.